Thursday, July 22, 2010

Birthday Event - Part 4, Even More

Are you ready? Here are more fun gifts to share with everyone: this is a card from Gene, my bestest blog friend. I love the colors used for her card (my favoirte in red, black, and gold). The washi presents are "puffed" on the card although it may be difficult to see in the photo. I love the hint of embellishment on the backof the envelope - such details not to be missed.

I got an assortment of 12" x 12" Washi paper from Gene..........are you all jealous yet? They are so way cool in this special size!!!!

She also gave me an assortment of stickers (perfect for my scrapbook) welcoming me to Las Vegas.....yup, that's where I was for my birthday........she had a welcoming SUV Wagon which was air conditioned!!!! Thank you so much Gene for your generousity and hospitality to Las Vegas - it will be way worth visiting you again but this time we have to craft together!

Denise W. sent me this fabulous red/black/white card...............I love it!!! Thank you D for remembering!

An other fabulous card from Nellie who has the exact same b'day as me (the difference: she's much younger) - Thank you, Nellie for such a great card!!!!

Thank you for visiting today and allowing me to share my gifts with you. Stay tuned for my Las Vegas album tom................


  1. Awesome, awesome, gifts and friends! Love the washi papers. Looking forward to the album.

  2. Hi Patti!

    How can you stand it! You must have been too excited to breathe! So many wonderful and beautiful gifts and cards! What a blessing to have so many creative and loving friends!

    Wishing you a great weekend!


    Barbara Diane

  3. Lucky,lucky you! Such beautiful cards and gifts. You must be in heaven!
