Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Birthday Event - Part 3, More Gifts

My Red/Black B'day just keeps continuing. This gift is from Juliane. She embosssed the black envelope, too. The treat box is the fancy favor box filled with red chocolates!!!!! The color combo is my favorite!!!!! Thank you Juliane!

OMG - is this the cutest card with a little girl? LOVE IT!!!!

Isn't this matchbox so cute? Juliane added glitter on the rice (doesn't show up in the photo). Recognize the stamp set: it's SU's Circle Circus!!!

Here's what's inside the matchbox:

Check out this present from 2 fabulous sisters: Gail M and Jackie C. The wine: well, it's red, ya know!!! (and of course!) Not an regular envelope for the card - a red organza pouch!!!

Inside the gift bag: a fabulous gift: wow!!! a red coach wristlet purse AND inside: a gift card!!!!!! sigh - is this awesome e r what? Whoo-hoo!!!!

This is a fabulous red/black/white card that came with the gift - I love this Asian collage style. Every element is fabulous!

Card inside: the Asian word is glitter - (the inside message is covered up) - Thank you both so much!!!!

Gail made this tea pot for all of us - she is so very generous!!! (she has given me a bunch of way cool creations I previously posted on my blog - she doesn't have a blog). This tea pot is 6-1/2" x 5" x 1/2". I love all the tiny adhesive rhinestones in the centers of the flower.

Back of tea pot: inside the tea pot was a set of binder clips!!!

Check out this paper also from Gail. She used it to wrap a special gift: yes, I kept this paper because it is so wonderful - it may not be read but it sure is Asian and I absolutely love this layout............sigh..............give me a room wallpapered with this and I will be in heaven!!! Thank you Gail!
Thank you for stopping by again today to enjoiy some of my fun gifts!!!! More to come................


  1. Lovely Artwork. Thanks for sharing.

  2. OMG! Those little girls are soooo cute! If you ever find out what it is (digi stamp, rubber?) and what brand, please share it with all of us!

    Thanks for sharing all your wonderful gifts. Your friends are very talented.


  3. You sure are surrounded by great and talented friend! Wonderful gifts you had received.

  4. Sooooooooooooooo creative!!!
    Jan Castle

  5. All such wonderful, creative gifts! Thanks for sharing all of these with us, Patti! You are truly blessed to have such talented and generous friends!
