Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Surprise RAK

Another posting:
This is a surprise Thank You card from Sheri - remember her? She's the one who made that ever so fabulous mini album posted on my blog 8/4/2010.

Inside card:

Closer view of the front card at top:

And the closer view of the card front at the bottom:
Thank you for stopping by today...........................and thank you Sheri for this great card!


  1. This is wonderful. Love the textures and the many extra touches that make it ultra-special. I HAD to go back to August to check out the album you spoke of. I took the long way by going through all of August...oh, my, what I have been missing! Now must make time to review the rest of the year. Thank you for the time you make to create the many, many tutorials.

  2. I love bears and your card is adorable
