Monday, December 31, 2012

Presents Money Holder

These are some fun gift cards that resemble a wrapped gift.  The cut file is from the Silhouette on line store.  The file only cost .99 cents so it is a really bargain (in fact, all their files are 99 cents.) I used some retired SU Holiday paper I had on hand (am trying so hard to use what I have.....I think we all call it our own inventory).  Red solid paper is from Joanne's and edges are sponged with brown ink.
 Open the card to reveal a place to write a note and a gift card holder. (OR folded money!!!!) I used a rub on for the holiday message.
 In the back: a special stamped bar code image:
I believe this is the last of the Christmas projects to be posted. Just in the nick of time for's New Year Eve so I just made it!!!!  It was a great 2012!!! See you all in 2013!!!! Thank you for checking in on my blog.


  1. Happy New Year to you dear friend! See you at CHA soon.
    love and appreciate you,

  2. Lovely project Patti...great work!
    Paper Hugs,
