Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sigh...................back from the Hospital

Well, it's really about time................I  have had such a long stretched out downer with my computer being hacked and those of you who have had this happen to you know what I mean. Not only was it hacked, there was a hidden virus which messed up my files, re-sorted them, hid them, and constantly directed me to a porn site!!! Gross and double gross!!! Everything had to be wiped out on my system - all programs and files. Luckily I did have some back up but even those had to be carefully scanned and re-scanned. It has been a long process to get back up to "normal"....................not fun either.  During this time, my creative head went out of the window and all I could do is clean the house..............well, at least the house is clean!!!

Posting to start soon.............thank you, everyone, for your patience. I never wish this to anyone. Please do be careful out there when you receive pop ups or strange e-mails...........cyber space is very dangerous!!!

hugs, Patti


  1. Oh dear, I can imagine your frustration. Hope things are back to normal very soon and you'll be back in the crafting groove. Take care.

  2. Hello!

    Happy to see you back Patti! What a stressful time for you! Hopefully you can now create once again! Wishing you a happy day!


    Barbara Diane

  3. What a huge pain in the butt. Glad to see you're back.

  4. what a pain!! why do people have to do things like that, I just don't get it:-( glad you got it worked out, look forward to seeing your creations again!

  5. So sorry to hear the hack. It's a big pain to get everything back up again. Almost makes me want to switch over to a Mac at times.

  6. Andrea H. Edmonton ABJune 12, 2012 at 8:12 PM

    Sorry for all your frustrations. I look forward to seeing more postings soon. Chin up and we missed you!

  7. Yipee....you're back! We will wait as long as it takes to see your wonderful art!!!
    Paper Hugs,

  8. Hello !
    I am so sorry for you ! Thank jou board, but in principe I do not open e-mail as I do not recognize the sender.
    Hugs Mary

  9. wow that's terrible :( hackers really need to get a life! glad everything has been sorted out. Hugs~
