Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Asian Stamp Stash

My newest purchase: a stamp set from Joanne at They have the best unmounted 8-1/2" x 11" Asian rubber stamp sheets with some really nice greetings in both Chinese and English. Many of their sets are Asian inspired and unique. They are unmounted so all you have to do is buy a whole sheet of cling to prep the stamps. I printed out the sheet from their on line store so I can use it to identify the stamps.

Here's the whole sheet of stamps purchased. There are 47 stamps in this one rubber sheet which comes to about .50 cents a piece with the cling.

After attaching the entire cling sheet to the rubber, I used a pair of kitchen shears to cut the rubber. Those Kai scissors also work but kitchen shears happen to have a longer blade. I also did not get any gunky adhesive on the kitchen shears because the whole sheet was attached to cling.....yay!!!

So here are all the stamps cut and now stored in an Stampin-Up medium box with the stamp identifier under the cover.

Now I will need to carve out some time to use these.........oooh...can't wait!!!


  1. Wow, the font on those stamps are actually nice and words actually in good grammar and make sense. Unlike some you may find in big box stores or even catalogs. Enjoy! Can't wait to see what you make with them.

  2. You've got lots of new goodies, so go play!
