Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Quilling Surprise

I am so happy to be able to share with you this FABULOUS surprise I got in the mail. It is from Helen - she has a blog where she currently has blog candy so be sure to visit her and see her amazing paper quilling work - this is a sampling of her skill. First, the card: OMG - I am in love with all that texture, color, and detail that went into this fabulous card she sent to me. See further below for another surprise from Helen...........

The card inside. The note is written on the inside top cover.

Closer view of the flowers on the hat:

Here's a side view of the flowers on the card:

So the card wasn't enough - she also sent this fabulous box. The Box outside is also decorated with paper quilled flowers and leaves. Flat back pearls decorate each corner of the box.

A closer view of the Helen's paper quilling skill..............

Here's a side view of the box:

The front box sides are decorated with flowers and flat back pearls:

Open the box to reveal: compartments full of gifts!!!

The contents:

The empty box:

The earrings - love the "packaging" - even more amazing is the way she put this whole thing together - goodness!!!!

Hand made paper rose with glitter - even the ring part is made of paper!!! Can you believe that? It's pretty sturdy.

The fabulous hand made "Chinese Knot" embellishment: these are waaaay cool!

The necklace:
Whew - the details of this gift are simply exhausting. This is a great surprise to receive from a fabulous blog friend - THANK YOU AGAIN, Helen: YOU are the best.
AND, Thank you for stopping by today.................................


  1. Oh you lucky thing. WOW it is a beautiful gift it must have taken ages to make this creation. Lovely little treasure.


  2. You are welcome, Patti. I am glad you enjoyed my little creations.

  3. Hi Patti!

    What a fabulous gift! Helen is most talented and the queen of origami and quilling! I love her creations and this collection of beautiful items that she has made for you is amazing! She is such a lovely person and a great friend!

    Wishing you a happy day today!


    Barbara Diane

  4. Really wonderful gifts you've received! The quilling is lovely.

  5. Hi, my name is Karolina, I live in Poland. And for sometime I visit your blog a lot. I'd like to tell you that I admire all what you do. I'm trying to make some similar cards etc. but I'm not as good as you. I'd like to invite you to my blog I'm going to be yours guest every day. All the best and I'm sorry for my english, it's not very well. :)

  6. elles sont magnifiques...

  7. Hello, Patti! Your work is beautiful and delicate; I'm in love with the art of Quilling, and I loved your models!!!

  8. Helen's gifts to you are incredible! So much detail and so beautiful...lucky you!

  9. I envy you for having that. I would also love to have that beautiful gift box which I can use to store some of my lil' hair accessories. =)

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