Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Your Blog is a Charm Award

This award is called: "Your Blog is a Charm". I received it last week from my blog friend Barbara - Thank You Barbara! Her blog site is http://www.whimcees.blogspot.com/ where you can check out her paper projects and soft creations. It's a cute award, isn't it?

I will place this on my blog and pass on to 12 people, link to their blogs, notify the people, and also give Barbara a virtual hug (translation: notify her, too) so here goes..........

Frances C - she doesn't have a blog so I will pass to her via e-mail
Gail W - she doesn't have a blog so I will pass to her via e-mail
Laura @ http://www.followingthepapertrail.blogspot.com/
Kathy @ http://paperphenomenon.blogspot.com/
Gina @ www.ginataylor.wordpress.com
Whitney @ http://www.whitney69.blogspot.com/
Cindy @ http://www.nutmegcreations.blogspot.com/
Julie @ http://www.simistamper.blogspot.com/
Teri @ http://www.bigideasfromalittlegirl.blogspot.com/
Kay @ http://www.creationsonpaper.blogspot.com/
Dianne @ http://www.stmprdee.com/
Lisa @ http://www.addinkandstamp.blogspot.com/

Thanks for stopping by today..........a really cute project tom..........you won't want to miss it! So see ya tom!


  1. Hi Patti!

    You deserve many awards for your lovely blog and great projects! So much creativity and inspiration in every post! :<)

    Thank you for the link and kind words. Wishing you a wonderful day today!


    Barbara Diane

  2. Hi, Patty! Thank you so much for awarding me this "Blog Charm". It's my second one :) I love your blog too so much I visit it everyday. Thanks for all you do and share :)

  3. Thanks Patti! What an honor to be awarded a "blog charm"! You are my inspiration to do better and reach the stars!

  4. Thahk you so much for the award Patti. I am honored. Thanks so much!!!!

  5. Congratulations on your award, and thank you for sending it to me as well!

  6. Thank you so much for the award!! I am honored to say the least!

  7. How delightful! Congrats!!!
    Jan Castle

  8. Thank you so much for the award Patti.
    Your blog is fabulous! I will be checking back often.

