Monday, April 26, 2010

Faux Chocolate in a Box

THIS was such a fun project. It all started out with 3 gal pals getting together on a Sunday afternoon. We had a spare moment so why not............let's make some chocolates......just like the box on the cover in the May Stampin' Success monthly magazine (for Demonstrators only). We only got to make one of the Styrofoam chocolates ........the rest?.........well, that came later..............Here's top of the cover. The finished project size is 3-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 1-1/2". The chocolate has Crystal Lacquer for that sheen and the hearts have dazzling diamonds (of course). Each punched scallop square is popped with dimensionals.

Front side view of box with taffeta ribbon and punched edge:

Take the lid off and reveal the chocolates that are good enough to eat!!!!

Here's a closer view of the sweets:

The (2) boxes do contain real chocolate kisses. The opening is from the bottom.

Here are the dark chocolate and white chocolate bon bons:

Want to know how to make these? Stay tuned tom for the tutorial and supply list.................Have a great day!


  1. Oh Patti, these are DARLING!! Love what you did and can't wait to see the tutorial!! GREAT JOB!! See you SOON! ;)

  2. wow, this is so great, what an idea...amazing... Hugs Finja

  3. Wow Patti, these look absolutely amazing. they are just so adorable. Well done. Hugs xo Jackie

  4. Woow what an amazing idea. Just love it. You are soo amazingly talented. Can't wait for the tut on the bon bons. They do look good enough to eat.


  5. Clever Clever Clever!!

    But none of us are surprised about that. LOVE THESE!!!

  6. I would love to know how to make one of these and put it together. When you share the info will you please include me.You are very talented..Thanks..Emily

  7. Hi Patti!

    This is a wonderful project! It must have been such fun to make! I look forward to seeing the tutorial! :<)

    Wishing you a great week!


    Barbara Diane

  8. How sweet is this. I can't wait to the tut tomorrow.

  9. Way too cute! I can't wait for the bon bon tutorial!

  10. Oh Patti, I love these creations. I want to eat each one by one!!!!
    You are amazing. Congrats,
    Martha Lucia Gomez

  11. Oh my goodness!!! These are just waaaay too cute. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE TUTORIAL! Thank you so much sharing!

  12. It will be torture waiting for the tutorial...ya big tease Ü
    Those are just fabulous....and fat-free to boot!!

    LOVE IT!

  13. Patti, these are so amazing. Can't wait to check out the tutorial. LOVELY Job!

  14. You are crazy sick with creativity!! I am telling you , One day you will be up in the old home office designing these layouts for SS. You know that's one of my dream's is working on SS. I have alot of ideas for SS! One can dream.....Retire in Utah? does it get really HOT there. I live in Fl and I hate the heat!!!!

    Great job can not wait to see the directions I have stamp camp this weekend, I had a great time with my downline this weekend!! Goin home today!!

  15. That is soo cute! Can't wait for the tutorial!

  16. hello, Patty
    What a creative way to make such a chocolat box! This is the sweetest thing I have seen!
    Your ideas always amaze me.

    a lot of greetings - Regina
