Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Under the Weather

No post today.............am really under the weather........I mean really under..........yuck! Crawling backinto bed..............hope to be better soon..........thank you for checking in with my blog today. Sorry to disappoint.


  1. Take care of yourself. We will all still be here when you get well.


  2. Sorry to hear you have the BUG! Ugh, it's bad this year....your fans await! Just take care of yourself!

  3. You're not disappointing us - don't think that's possible!!!! And on the bright side - now I have a chance to catch up properly - LOL.
    Hope you get well soon and just take care of yourself for now!!!

  4. I just started following your blog and it's terrific! Take care and get well. There's always archived posts to pass the time, so there's no disappointment here.

  5. I hope you feel better soon, you could never disappoint...take care x

  6. Aaaaah, I know that feeling way too well! Just got over my second bout with the "nasties" Ö
    Nothing but Well Wishes coming your way Ü

  7. Hi Patti, Love, love, love your blog! You are so talented! Please know that your "fans" in blogginh world are thinking of you and sending lots of well wishes your way! What a dedicated blogger to apologize for being under the weather... Take Care and Get Well Soon!
    Stampin' Smiles, jane

  8. Oops, should have previewed before hitting publish... "blogging" world, not "blogginh" world...yikes...

  9. So sorry to hear that, hope you are feeling better SOON!

  10. Patti, take of you!!!Allways you think in us. I love your most recent creation..the memories for the Leadership and THANK YOU for let me be part of these and I agree with you, the most beautiful part are the friends I'm totally sure that we are friends for the rest of the live!!!
    Martha Lucia

  11. Be well my friend. It's very hard to stay well in this cold/wet weather. Eat well, stay hydrated and REST, SLEEP. Trust me...your stamps will be there when you feel better :)waiting for you.

    rubber hugs,
    Gina Taylor

  12. you just take care of yourself!! I could spend hours just drooling over your past posts!! hugs,

  13. stay under the blanket; the blog can wait; take *good* care of yourself

  14. I hear you pain Patti i'm sick too and it's my birthday today. :(
    I will be looking forward to you next post. Get Well Soon!

  15. take good rest, get well soon,
    we are all waiting your next excitement for all of us. Get the bug out and take the butterfly instead.

  16. So sorry to hear you are not well.take good care and we'll see you soon...

  17. So sorry to hear you're under the weather. Feel better soon. Take care of yourself.

  18. You do a lot! You've earned a day under the covers. Feel better soon.
    Susan in Texas

  19. Hope u feel better soon! Sending you some cyber chicken soup and hugs!
