Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Uh Oh..................I've lost my camera and now am on the hunt as well as on the hunt for a new one. It's an awful feeling!!!! Also on the hunt for the old one to see if I can manage.............Yeek - so stay tuned for postings as soon as I get it together!!!

Thank you all for your patience!!!!!


  1. Oh no! Good luck with your search. We will wait impatiently. But we will wait. Your stuff is worth waiting for!!

  2. Hi Patti!

    Missed my daily inspiration from looking at your new posting on your blog! :<) I hope that all is well with you! Wishing you a good day today!

    Barbara Diane

  3. Oh no! I hope you either find it or get a better camera... Good Luck - miss your postings already!

  4. Oh my heart just sunk! What an awful feeling to have lost something but worse when it's your camera!! Good luck Patti.
    Kylie xo

  5. look under the seat of your car! my friend lost her camera and that's where it was! i don't know where it was going, though! :0)

    Good Luck!!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh no! You have to find it! I miss my daily look at our creations!

  8. I am missing your daily inspirations. Sure hope all is going well for you.
