Tuesday, September 22, 2009

2 Sweet Treats for ME!

A quick post today: This is the best surprise: I got this from my new downline (MAIDA) and wanted to share it with you. Yippee - I am so excited about this creation using the Sweet Treats from the Holiday Mini.I love the scallop edge on the card and the piercing touch.

Here's a peek at the inside of the card. I actually placed Whisper White CS on top of her note.....sorry, the message is a little personal.

I love the personal touch on the balloon basket (my initial "P") popped with a dimensional.

Here's another Sweet Treat I got. Card size: 3" x 3". The technique: using a dauber to apply a mixture of colors. The results are great! The candy is available by pulling the "sweet treats" tab. Love this - I believe Becky Roberts (http://www.inkingidaho.blogspot.com/) has instructions on her blog for this pull tab alternative.

Inside of the card:

Here's the tab pulled to get the candy: Cool, eh? Ya gotta try this!
Thank you for stopping by to visit today ..........aren't these surprises great? I love them so THANK YOU MAIDA!


  1. It's so nice to receive something that someone has made especially for you. You must be a great upline. Good job Maida.
    Kylie xo

  2. I'd loved this creation, Patti! So beautiful and fun! Congratulations anda thanks to share it of us. Fabi.
