Thursday, February 3, 2011

Celebrating Chinese New Year

Today is the first day of Chinese New Year (the lunar calendar). This year, I thought I would be totally "out of the box" and not use the traditional red envelope (called "Lai See" or Lucky Money envelopes). I wanted to utilize these cute little boxes which are printed with the traditional Chinese Dress. They are very similar to the 2-4-6-8- box but of course, with them being printed, they evoke more conversation!!!! Their size is petite: 2" x 1-2/2" x 3". These "gifts are usually given to the "unmarried" from a married couple.................yes, even if you are 40 years old, you would get Lucky Money due to the single status.

The Female and Male version close-up:

This is what you get inside: Crisp lucky money and sweets!!!
I hadn't seen these cute little boxes anywhere here in the US - they are from Shanghai, China so if you know anyone going, get them them to purchase themf or you at the local retail market!!!
And, a Happy New Year of the Rabbit to all!!!!


  1. Patti, it is a wonderful idea for the celebration, thanks for the fun.
    恭喜發財, 新年進步

  2. Happy New Year, Patti! Gee...I wish I were single so I could receive one of these cute lai see! Such an adorable idea!

  3. Patti, these are SO adorable. Love the dress pattern.

  4. Hello!

    I hope that all is well with you and your family! Miss your postings! Wishing you a good day today!


    Barbara Diane

  5. Love to see this... and learn about the tradition

    Would you deconstruct the envelope and provide measurements?

  6. Patti,

    I love your blog so much! My favorite11 I hope all is well with you! I am missing your posting..
    Susie McCormick
