Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Well, hello everyone and first order of business:

I have to thank all of you for your kind e-mails wondering what happen to me since I had taken a long blog break to take care of things around the house and myself. In retrospect, I should have made some sort of announcement on my blog.

I have been sorting though things in my craft room and trying to get ever so organized (remember my New Year goal to use what I have on hand?) It's not quite where I want things yet but I do have to accept the fact that progress is s-l-o-w.

I did have a special group of gals for an annual 12 projects with a Christmas theme. I have all of you who out there who continue to inspire me for these projects. I will start to post them shortly so stay tuned.

The 2010 year is almost over and I look forward in ringing in the next one...........for me, a milestone year ending and another one staring - it will be the Year of the Rabbit (for the Chinese horoscope) - a more calm year.

Again, Thank you all for your patience,



  1. I am glad you are back! I love the things you share with us.

  2. OMG~ You just reminded me that I'll be turning 36 next year. I'm panicking!
    I know what you mean. I was cleaning my craft room yesterday and can't believe how much stuff I have. Enough to last for the rest of my life!

  3. Welcome back! I've missed my daily dose of Patti creations! Glad to hear everything is OK!

  4. wow so glad you are ok...I kept checking the blog and wondering what happened...
