Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Fun in the House!

Wanted to share with you some fabulous projects one of my gal pals made: Frances!!! I asked her if it is OK if I post her projects and she was delighted. You can see how cute they all: M&M tubes, Egg Containers, and the BEST: chocolate spoons................sooooo cute!Sorr, but she doesn't have a blog even thouugh she should! !!! She did such a GREAT job - wouldn't you agree?

Spoons and M & M tubes:
Here are more chocolate spoons with candy sprinkles - yummy!!!

I won't be listing the supplies since this wasn't my project but you can see what an amazing job Frances did!!! clap......clap.....clap!!!


  1. Holy smokes- those chocolate spoons are amazing- they look so yummy! The other projects are great too! Yes- she should make a blog of her own!

  2. Please tell Frances she is way too clever. I'm glad you shared her goodies with blog world. Enjoy your Easter Patti and Frances too!
    Cheers Donna Zammit

  3. Very Cute idea! I love it. I am going to have to do something like that with the Grandkids. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Congratulations to Frances! She should have a blog - maybe you can convince her to take the leap Patti! :<) All of the projects are wonderful!

    Wishing you a good day today!

    Barbara Diane

  5. Please start a blog!! i would love to have your chocolate spoon recipe!!
    Kim H

  6. Hi All,
    Thank you for the inquiry:
    For all of you who would like to create these chocolate decorative spoons, Frances had told me she put melted chocolate in a plastic bag, cut one of the corners, drizzled it into the spoon, then added the fun sprinkles, allow to completely cool then place into a 2x8 cello bag. Pastel spoons work great. hugs, Patti

  7. Yes this is just adorable... she needs a blog and to share her instructions... thanks Deb
