Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An Award

Look what I received. I should have posted it long ago but am finally getting to it. I received this award from my blog friend Barbara at She has wonderful soft creations as well as polymer creations. Along with that, her great card making and 3D projects are out of this world. Give her a visit and you will not be disappointed. Thank you, Barbara for being such an inspiration!
The rules for passing on this award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
2. Copy & paste the award to your blog.
3. Link to the person sending you the award.
4. List 7 things about yourself.
5. Nominate 7 bloggers to present the award to.
6. Link to this posting on your blog.
7. Notify the 7 people you nominate by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven Things About Me:
1. I love my GPS which gets me there every time
2. I have no pets but I sure have a lot of paper.
3. I love an adventure.
4. My favorite fruit: Bosch Pears
5. My second favorite fruit: White Peaches
6. I love to learn something new everyday
7. I love all my friends I have met through my blog!
My 7 nominees (who inspire me) are:
Thanks for stopping by today to celebrate with me...............HUGs.....!!!


  1. Hi Patti!

    Your kind comments made my day!

    You are an inspiration to all! Wishing you a wonderful day today!


    Barbara Diane

  2. You are SOOO SWEET!! Thank you so much Patti! LOVED meeting you in person at Regionals!!!! Are you going to convention?? Hope to see you there!

  3. Patti:

    Your inspiration in my business is amazing. The more I get to know you as a person the more there is to love. Thank you so much for the award, I am truly humbled by your creativity and the other ladies nominated.

