Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hugs for Everyone!

OMG - I returned from Leadership glazed over from meeting so many people. The Star Demonstrators were all out in force at both Leadership and at the Phoenix Regionals. These fellow Demonstrators have influenced and inspired me for quite a while. They are such wonderful approachable people...........their kindness is genuine. I absolutely am the most luckiest person to finally meet them in person and have one of their swaps (which will be treasured forever!) This one is Corrine (her blog is www.stampingwithroxy.typepad.com.) Just in case you didn't know, she is from Canada - ya gotta love those creative Canadians!!!

And here is Lorri Heiling (her blog www.stampingaddict.blogspot.com) - isn't she so cute? Lorri was one of my very first blog friends. Without her encouragement, I would not have gone down the path of my own blog. I am so happy to have finally met her at Regionals after all these years!

And this is Becky Roberts - she is the famous www.inkingidaho.blogspot.com - recognize her? Becky introduced herself and I remained flushed for the next couple hours............OMG!!! I was so humbled to meet her in person. I am the lucky recipient of one of her special calendar swaps. You can see them on her blog. I also got her cute M&M sweet swap, too. My friends were envious. I will never ever give it away and keep it forever in the plastic bag. Oh thank you so much, Becky, for finding me!! You have inspired me for so long!

The Grand Queen of Hugs: Denise Waddell. Denise always has a warm hug to give to everyone. She has been a great inspiration to me so I thank her for her friendship and her guidance!!! Isn't she cute!!!
Look! It's the Patti Red Club!!!! So cute we were all wearing red (may fav) that day.........hmmm, I seem to be the shortest one - I must have been stooping down.
And here we are: my Sisters of the Night in our group photo: Mary, Winnie, Me, Carol, Sharon, and Maya!

Here is photo of a blog fan I met at Regionals: Laurie. She didn't have a business card so I took a picture of her name tag. Thank goodness for digital cameras (especially red ones). Isn't she cute - stay in touch Laurie!
So you can see just by these few photos, I had an exhausting time socializing with everyone. After returning home from Phoenix, I forgot I still had to pack up my Xmas decor - almost done so I can have some fun soon.....so stay tuned...........HUGS for ALL!


  1. PATTI !!!!!! I'm still missing you like crazy !!! Jump on a red plane and come to Canada !!! You do know our nation's colors are RED and white !!! You'd fit right in !!!

    I love you and miss you and thanks for continuing to inspire me !!

    You're truly INCREDIBLE !!!!

  2. Corrine: be careful what you wish for (click your heels 3 times - but they gotta be red shoes) and maybe I will be at your door step and a wagon full of supplies for stamping!!! Wouldn't that be a dream time. I was in Vancouver, Canada last May.........waay to much fun but didn't get to do any stamping (blah!) Thanks again for your friendship and happiness you give to me!!! Love, Patti

  3. you look like you had a wonderful time and I'm sure those ladies were just as pleased to meet you Patti!!

  4. I'm a red girl too. LOVE IT!

    I'm 2 levels under Denise Waddell. Don't know how I missed meeting you. You do such gr8 work!

  5. Patti: You are a ROCK STAR blogger in your own right,you are just like me last year, I was sooooo humbled to meet these women and realize how wonderful, approachable and kind they really are. You will treasure those pictures and this experience for a lifetime. This is why Stampin Up! is the best company in the world to work with not for!! I have grown in so many ways and one of them is by knowing you! You my dear are definately one of the special ones!


  6. what wonderful friendship pix...that's one of the reasons for going to these meetings.TFS!

  7. Patti, my red lovin sista! I was so happy to meet you...I don't know, maybe you read about it on my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh how I wishd we lived closer. We could do some real stampin' damage together! Take care my friend, stay in touch and see YOU at convention, baby!!
    Love ya!!

  8. Hugs to you Patti, you are so sweet and wonderful to share so many ideas with everyone! You are awesome! hugs, d

  9. I tried to meet you, didn't want to be a blog stalker. LOL Your work is an inspiration to everyone. Keep up the great work.
