Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Cookie Swap Recipes Posted

Yay - FINALLY, the recipes have been posted.......they are next to the cookie photo in the 12/23 post. Thank you all for your interest. I apologize for having taken so long but I got through it..............enjoy!!!!

I have 3 major Stamp & Scrap 2010 Year goals:
- use what I have or donate/sell it............
- finish projects I start or have started or don't realistic of my time. Stay focused
- organize and prioritize more efficient use of my "awake" time
and yours? Do these sound familiar?

Now I have really got to get back to my Leadership Swaps and SU Event this coming Sunday as well as preparing for the New Year Day luncheon at our home............tootles....................

Thank you all blog friends!!!!


  1. Hi Patty, I wish you a happy new year!

    Greetings from

  2. Patti:

    Thank you for putting my 2010 goals down on paper for me!! OMG that is exactly what I need to do too! Is it a stamper/crafter/demo thing? It must be. I cleaned out so much stuff yesterday and I saw so many things I have collected along the way, oh I am going to make this with that and .... it's all still there. And scrapbooking are you kidding me? I don't think I have scrapped for myself since 3 1/2 years ago when I became a demonstrator so sad!! Helped everyone else, though! Wow! Seeing it in black and white makes you SEE it! I am glad you got those cookie swaps done. Now you can have fun and make your swaps. Havefun! xxxooo W

  3. Patty -
    Happy New Year! Thanks for posting the recipes .. how exciting!! All the best in 2010!

  4. Your goals sound perfect for any of us cardmakers!!!

    Thank you so much for posting the cookie recipes (and all the great card projects).
