Saturday, November 21, 2009

Update on my Blog

Oh - this has been the most dreadful time. I have receive some dear messages. I thank you all................

OK, after much research and consideration, I have purchased a new Canon camera - Of course, it's RED. I'm in Love with it!!!! It was meant to be!!! So the photos will even be better (so I think heh heh) stay tuned. It is expected to arrive mid next week.

On the other hand, since I had not been posting, I have had a lot of enjoyment and inspiration from all the fellow bloggers who are so far more creative than me.......Yes, that's all of you who are listed and many that are not listed on my Favorite Blog list........I am so blessed to know them.

So now I have a lot of catching up to do. And with the Holidays coming...................QUICKLY!!!!........I better get on my sleigh.................and find my I next postings may not be so great since I will be using an old klunker but improvements to come

Thanks everyone for being so patient. I miss you all very much.



  1. I'm glad you're back! I really and truly appreciate all that you share. and your tutorials are phenomenal!!!

  2. Oh a red camera! What could be better for YOU than that? We'll be here waiting!

  3. Welcome Back! We missed you

  4. I'm so glad you are back. I missed you not hear from you. I look forward to it this week. HUGS.

  5. I've been waiting and waiting . . . . every day, no post from Patti! I am so happy to hear that you have your new camera and will soon be back in business! :<) I have missed your postings!

    Barbara Diane
