Sunday, September 6, 2009

OMG - It's Good to be back!

OMG - My computer hard drive did a crash. Everything on my computer was lost so thank goodness my Blog is not on my drive! My computer had been "hospitalized" and finally is at least backup and running. Recovery is SLOW! I am having to reload my programs and slowly trying to get back up to speed to be re-establish. Thank you for your continued patience..........this is quite a challenge! I will be posting soon!

Thanks for your continued visits!


  1. I feel your pain! My computer crashed Memorial day weekend and I lost everything! 6 years of all of my wedding cakes and flowers and everything I had saved for future projects, my grandson's photos since he was born. What a nightmare. If you need anything - just email me - I have a lot saved on my computer now and a back up! Hang in there - we will all be patient! Renee Winch

  2. How can we not continue to visit? Your blog is amazing. We will all be here waiting for you when you've fixed things up. Good luck!

  3. No wonder you haven't posted anything! Hope everything turns out well! We will be waiting for more creations from you...

  4. UGH! I hate when that happens..we wil al be ehr waiting for you...I love it here...

  5. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that you are back! Missed seeing your postings every day!

    Wishing you a quick recovery! :<)

    Barbara Diane
