Friday, April 24, 2009

RAKs Received

4/24: edited - see below correction for "Happy Spring" Card from Yvonne
It is always so nice to receive Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs). This is a Thank You card from Kimmie. She is an amazing scrapper and makes awesome cards and invitations. I am lucky to get one of these! The back of her envelope reflects the card inside. She knows Red and Black are my very favorite colors. This is a "keeper". Love the washi paper she used at the bottom of the card.

Below is a Thank You card received from Frances. The watercoloring is way cool and there's a little bit of glitter on the flowers, too. I love the embossed swirl background and co-ordinating ribbon.
This is a card made by Carol. She is a fellow Demonstrator (Yippee). Love her card layout and color combination. Hey, I don't have this stamp set!

Here's a card I received from a monthly swapper: Yvonne. You can visit her blog site at She does amazing watercoloring!

Thank you for stopping by today............have a great weekend!

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