Saturday, December 13, 2008

Holiday Bell Ornament Tutorial

Here's my 1st tutorial attempt for the Holiday Bell Ornament posted on December 11:
Cut paper 6x6.
Stamp or emboss before scoring and folding.
The Black lines in this photo show the score lines @3", turn paper, score @3".

Then score diagonally at each corner as shown in the above photo.
1st Corner fold: fold up the left bottom corner to the diagonal fold line.

Fold down the top right corner to the diagonal line. One corner is complete.

2nd corner fold: This photo shows the bottom right corner folded up to the diagonal line

Fold down the top left corner to the diagonal line. The 2nd corner is complete. This process will need to be done for the 3rd and 4th corners.

After all folds are completed, you should be able to press in the sides as shown above.

Push down the center of paper and push in the sides a little more. At this time, if you want to add a "tassel" or anything dangling, use a piercer.

Once the sides are pushed up, it should look like this. Mini glue dots are holding together 3 of the "arms" at the top of the point and one of the arms shown is loose.

Place mini glue dot on the last "arm" at the top point and your ornament is complete.

Let me know if there are any questions.

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Thies ornament is gorgeous!! Thanks so much for your detailed instructions and photos!

  2. Thank you for the instructions. It looks very easy the way you described. I'll try it this afternoon! Jeannie
